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Eclipse Plugins I Can't Live Without
Since I have been working mostly on back-end development, specially under the Content Management System (CMS) Drupal. I prefer to use Galileo's flavor of Eclipse. The reason why I have always use Eclipse is simply because I was introduced to it while developing Java applications as well as Android Apps.
And quite honest, it's fast and reliable for all my needs. The only big problem I have encounter is while editing large CSS files. If the file is too big it will take a real long time to make changes. The good side of it is that you can always edit the file as plain text; which won't give you those nice colors, but at least you can still work with the File.
If your development environment consists of collaborating on a large team. Most likely you use Subversion (SVN). In that case, this plugin is awesome since you can setup "Keys" to perform the commands for you., e.g. Commit and Update.
Possible Errors & Solutions
Error: org.tigris.subversion.javahl.ClientException: Attempted to lock an already-locked dirsvn: Working copy
Solution: Perform a SVN Cleanup, Team > Clean Up.
Error: (OSX)
Failed to load JavaHL Library.
These are the errors that were encountered:
no libsvnjavahl-1 in java.library.path
no svnjavahl-1 in java.library.path
/opt/local/lib/libsvnjavahl- no suitable image found. Did find: /opt/local/lib/libsvnjavahl- mach-o, but wrong architecture
Solution Download the Subversion Binaries from here. Choose the version depending on your OSX. * You will have to register and log in to download it.
Open the terminal and type the following commands.
export PATH
Drupal for Eclipse PDT
Even though I love site, sometimes I just need a quick lookup for the function name I just can't remember. If this sounds like you too, this plugin will give you suggestions and even fill out the entire function signatures for you.
To test it out try typing: "function drupal_" and then press Ctrl+Space.
Templates for Drupal Hooks in Eclipse PDT
This collection of Drupal hook templates compliments the Drupal for Eclipse PDT plugin, as it will extend the suggestion library. The templates are available for both D6 and D7.
- Download the version of the Template for Drupal Hooks depending on the flavor of Drupal you are using.
- in Eclipse, go to Preferences > PHP > Editor > Templates. Click on "Import" and select the XML file "Drupal.xml" from the downloaded project.
- To test it out try typing: "function hook_" and then press Ctrl+Space.
If you like clean code like me, you will love this plugin. It will allow you to predefined how you would like to handle indentation and general spaces among other cool things. Check out my personal setup.
Eclipse Color Theme
If you are tired of looking at that ugly white background and you are ready to start looking at something more exciting. This plugin will help you pimp Eclipse.
@see Eclipse Color Themes' site for a list of all available themes, and for other alternative installation options besides the plugin.
- Diego F. Roldán's blog
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