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SynCal for Drupal 8
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SynCal provides the ability to synchronize events to third-party calendars such Google Calendar. Supports insert, update and delete operations for node entities that have a date range field.
Requires the Google API Client PHP Library.
The module requires an external library, Composer must be used.
composer require "drupal/syncal"
Getting Started
Google Calendar API Setup
Developer Console setup
- Go to Google Developer Console
- Create a project
- Enable "Google Calendar API" for the new project
- Back on the main "Dashboard" page, under the main menu, click on "Credentials"
- Create "Create credentials"
- Click "OAuth client ID"
- Select "Web application"
- Give it a name, e.g. "SynCal Connect OAuth"
- Under "Authorized redirect URIs" type LOCAL_DOMAIN://syncal/user/syncal/google_calendar Replace LOCAL_DOMAIN with your local environment, development or production domain
e.g. http://localhost/syncal/user/syncal/google_calendar
- Click "Save"
- Under "OAuth 2.0 client IDs" you should see the Web application client ID
- created on the previous step, click on its name
- At the top, click on "DOWNLOAD JSON". This file will be required on a later step
Local & other environments setup
- In order to test on a local environment, the domain must name localhost, e.g.
- Go to /admin/config/syncal/settings
- Select the content types(s) that should sync up to Google Calendar
- Select the "Date range field" that will be used as the date value
- Click on "Save configuration"
- Click on the "Google Calendar" tab
- Upload the JSON filed downloaded on step 12 from the Developer Console setup section
e.g. http://localhost/syncal/user/syncal/google_calendar
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